The three steps of successful Visual Management
Why use a simple whiteboard if all information is already in our systems? zo’n simpel whiteboard? This is a frequently asked question. I believe that the answer consist of three important factors: the people, the tools and the structure. On the basis of these three steps, I will try to explain how you can successfully implement Visual Management in your workplace.
Communication: the key in improvementprojects
Communication is always an very importan key in improvement- and changing processes.A lot of companies are comparable to a black box: information is going into systems and information is coming out of systems, but the informationflows are not always insightfull and are rarely shared with the employees of the company. Very often the visual performance of the policy deploment lacks, which results in employees being not aware of the company goals and have no idea of the planned changements, its necessity and how they can contribute to it. A missed opportunity: companies are missing precious contact and a two-way communication with their employees.

The impact of Visual Management
It is about sharing information in the team in the most transparent way possible. Everybody may see it and is trusted to share this information. By this simple action, we create ownership and a great teamspirit.The visualisation board serves as a vehicle to share information between colleagues, in a team or as a moment of accountability or control. What we see together, is what we know and what we can act accordingly. Good visual communication challenges to participation. Visual Management is, if properly implemented, a simple way to do and it can bring great results.

Visualising is something you do together!
It is important to involve your employees with visualisation from the beginning.Create ownership in the subject where you want to improve (workplace, team, department, etc.). Together you choose the place where you want to visualise the progress, presentation or improvements. Make sure this place is easily accessible for the employees, but also for the visitors. Decide together which objectives and success factors should be visualised. Choose a simple and graphic strong
rendering which clearly shows a standard and a status. Make clear agreements about who is responsible for maintaining information. And at last: create a good structure where it is clear for people how to react on the information.
What has a good performance visualization?
A good visualisation has a visable standard with KPI's and objectives in which changes are recorded with color coding (graphic display), followed by a soil analysis, corrective and preventive actions. The owner and the date are clearly visable. The escalation model is visualised. On the whiteboard we see trends of KPI's, associated with pareto's, used actively for continuous improvement. The ownership of the board is clear and the structure where the content of the board is confirmed.
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Good luck!